Thursday, December 10, 2009

Phillipe-Olivier and Valerie's proposal


Valerie And Phillipe -Oliver(P.O) are quite the pair. At first they were reserved yet they still had such a charm and their chemistry was so intriguing . When I first met them, my immediate impression was tradition meets the 21st century. Once they were relaxed, Valerie's witty remarks started to flow and they were laughing before you know it. P.O was such a gentleman and valerie the perfect lady.They showed us some of their favorite spots and had a reenactment of their proposal day. The beauty of old Montreal and the beautiful architecture of this city is hard to ignore. right in front of those two giant doors on -----st, he got down on one knee To ask the women he loves to marry him. that changed everything. The mood got more intimate and then the camera was able to flow. We were lucky because he originally proposed with a different ring until he could get a hold of his grandmother's engagement ring that was a family heirloom. This was the first time Valerie saw her one true ring that she will have forever. Red apple photography was honored to take part on this authentic moment and looks forward to their upcoming wedding in April 2010.


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